How do you use the sp_settriggerorder system stored procedure to set the firing order of triggers?
Posted by RoseHrs
Last Updated: July 02, 2024
The sp_settriggerorder system stored procedure in SQL Server is used to specify the order in which triggers should fire when multiple triggers are defined on a particular table for the same event (like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE). By default, SQL Server does not guarantee the order in which triggers fire, so you might want to use this procedure to define a specific sequence.
Using sp_settriggerorder
The syntax for sp_settriggerorder is as follows:
EXEC sp_settriggerorder 
    @triggername = 'trigger_name', 
    @order = 'first' | 'last' | 'before' | 'after', 
    @reference_trigger = 'reference_trigger_name';
- @triggername: The name of the trigger for which you want to set the order. - @order: This parameter can take one of four possible values: - 'first': The specified trigger will fire first among all triggers for the event. - 'last': The specified trigger will fire last among all triggers for the event. - 'before': The specified trigger will fire before a specified reference trigger. - 'after': The specified trigger will fire after a specified reference trigger. - @reference_trigger: The name of the reference trigger that you are using as a point of comparison for the before or after options.
Let's say you have two triggers on a table named Employees: Trigger_A and Trigger_B. You want Trigger_A to fire first, and Trigger_B to fire last.
-- Set Trigger_A to fire first
EXEC sp_settriggerorder 
    @triggername = 'Trigger_A', 
    @order = 'first'; 

-- Set Trigger_B to fire last
EXEC sp_settriggerorder 
    @triggername = 'Trigger_B', 
    @order = 'last';
Important Points:
1. Limitations: Only one trigger can be set as first, one as last, and for each trigger, you can have either a before or an after relationship with respect to another trigger. 2. Checking the Order: To check the order of triggers, you can query the sys.triggers system catalog view to see their defined orders. 3. Careful Usage: Be cautious while setting trigger orders as it can lead to complex interdependencies and might affect performance and debugging efforts. By using the sp_settriggerorder system stored procedure, you can effectively control the sequence of trigger executions in SQL Server, leading to more predictable and manageable database operations.