How do you create a table-valued parameter in a stored procedure?
Posted by SamPetr
Last Updated: June 10, 2024
Creating a table-valued parameter (TVP) in a stored procedure in SQL Server involves several steps. Here, I'll guide you through the process step-by-step.
Step 1: Create a User-Defined Table Type
First, you need to define a user-defined table type. This will serve as the structure for your table-valued parameter.
    ID INT,
    Name NVARCHAR(100)
Step 2: Create the Stored Procedure
Next, create a stored procedure that uses the user-defined table type as a parameter.
    @MyTableParam MyTableType READONLY
    -- Your business logic goes here
    -- For example, inserting data from the TVP into another table
    INSERT INTO SomeOtherTable (ID, Name)
    SELECT ID, Name
    FROM @MyTableParam;
    -- Additional logic can follow...
Step 3: Execute the Stored Procedure with a TVP
Now you can call the stored procedure and pass a table-valued parameter. First, you'll need to declare a variable of the type you created, then insert data into it.
DECLARE @MyTableVar MyTableType;

-- Insert data into the table variable
INSERT INTO @MyTableVar (ID, Name)
VALUES (1, 'John Doe'), (2, 'Jane Smith');

-- Execute the stored procedure and pass the table-valued parameter
EXEC MyStoredProcedure @MyTableVar;
1. Define a User-Defined Table Type - This is the structure for the TVP. 2. Create the Stored Procedure - Use the TVP as a parameter marked as READONLY. 3. Pass the TVP When Calling the Procedure - Create a variable of the defined type and populate it with data before executing the procedure. This will allow you to pass complex sets of related data into your stored procedures efficiently.
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