How do you use a cursor within a stored procedure to process each row returned by a query?
Posted by OliviaWm
Last Updated: July 30, 2024
Using a cursor within a stored procedure in SQL allows you to process each row returned by a query one at a time. Below is a general overview of how to use a cursor in a stored procedure, along with an example to illustrate the process.
Steps to Use a Cursor in a Stored Procedure
1. Declare the Cursor: Define the cursor and specify the SQL SELECT statement that will retrieve the set of rows you want to process. 2. Open the Cursor: Execute the OPEN statement to establish the result set defined by the cursor. 3. Fetch Rows: Use the FETCH statement to retrieve the next row from the cursor into a variable. 4. Process the Rows: Implement logic to work with the values retrieved. 5. Close the Cursor: Once all rows are processed, close the cursor to release the resources. 6. Deallocate the Cursor: Remove the cursor definition and free associated resources.
Example of Using a Cursor in a Stored Procedure
Here's a simple example of a stored procedure that uses a cursor to process records from a hypothetical Employees table:
    -- Step 1: Declare necessary variables
    DECLARE @EmployeeID INT;
    DECLARE @EmployeeName NVARCHAR(100);
    DECLARE @EmployeeSalary DECIMAL(10, 2);
    -- Step 2: Declare a cursor
    DECLARE EmployeeCursor CURSOR FOR
        SELECT EmployeeID, EmployeeName, EmployeeSalary
        FROM Employees WHERE IsActive = 1;  -- Example condition

    -- Step 3: Open the cursor
    OPEN EmployeeCursor;

    -- Step 4: Fetch the first row
    FETCH NEXT FROM EmployeeCursor INTO @EmployeeID, @EmployeeName, @EmployeeSalary;

    -- Step 5: Process each row
        -- Perform your processing here
        PRINT 'Processing Employee: ' + @EmployeeName + ' with Salary: ' + CAST(@EmployeeSalary AS NVARCHAR);

        -- Fetch the next row
        FETCH NEXT FROM EmployeeCursor INTO @EmployeeID, @EmployeeName, @EmployeeSalary;

    -- Step 6: Close the cursor
    CLOSE EmployeeCursor;

    -- Step 7: Deallocate the cursor
    DEALLOCATE EmployeeCursor;
Explanation of the Example
- Variable Declarations: We declare the necessary variables to hold retrieved values. - Cursor Declaration: We declare a cursor named EmployeeCursor that selects active employees’ IDs, names, and salaries. - Opening Cursor: The cursor is opened with the OPEN command. - Fetching Rows: We fetch the first row into the declared variables. - Processing Rows: In a loop, as long as there are more rows to fetch (@@FETCH_STATUS is 0), we process the data (in this case, we are printing employee details). - Closing and Deallocating: Finally, we close and deallocate the cursor to ensure that we free up system resources.
Important Notes
- Cursors can affect performance, especially with large result sets, because they process rows one by one. It's often better to use set-based operations whenever possible. - Always ensure that you close and deallocate cursors to prevent memory leaks or other resource issues. - Consider using error handling (e.g., TRY...CATCH blocks) to manage exceptions that may occur during cursor operations, especially in production code.