How do you write a stored procedure in SQL and execute it?
Posted by FrankMl
Last Updated: July 07, 2024
Writing a stored procedure in SQL involves defining the procedure using the appropriate SQL syntax, and then executing it when needed. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to create and execute a stored procedure:
Step 1: Define the Stored Procedure
To create a stored procedure, you typically use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The general syntax may vary slightly depending on the SQL database you are using (e.g., MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, etc.), but the basic structure is similar.
Example of a Stored Procedure
Here's an example of a stored procedure in MySQL that takes a parameter and queries a table:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetEmployeesByDept (IN dept_id INT)
    SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE department_id = dept_id;
END //

Breakdown of the Example
1. DELIMITER: Changes the statement delimiter temporarily so that you can define the procedure without ending it prematurely with a semicolon. 2. CREATE PROCEDURE: This keyword starts the definition of the stored procedure. 3. GetEmployeesByDept: The name of the procedure. 4. IN dept_id INT: This is an input parameter that the procedure takes to filter results based on department ID. 5. BEGIN ... END: This block contains the SQL statements that will be executed when the procedure is called.
Step 2: Execute the Stored Procedure
After defining the stored procedure, you can execute it using the CALL statement (in MySQL) or equivalent commands in other SQL dialects.
Example of Executing the Stored Procedure
CALL GetEmployeesByDept(1);
Additional Notes
- Permissions: Ensure that the database user has appropriate permissions to create and execute stored procedures. - Different SQL Dialects: The syntax can vary: - In SQL Server, you would use CREATE PROCEDURE [ProcedureName] AS ... and execute it simply with EXEC [ProcedureName] @param. - In PostgreSQL, use CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION instead of CREATE PROCEDURE. - Error Handling: It’s good to implement error handling inside stored procedures for production scenarios.
Stored procedures are powerful tools for encapsulating complex SQL logic within the database. They help with reusability, performance, and maintainability of your database code. Make sure to review the specific documentation for your SQL database to adjust the syntax and features as necessary.
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