How do you use a cursor to process hierarchical data, such as an organizational chart?
Posted by CarolTh
Last Updated: June 15, 2024
Processing hierarchical data, such as an organizational chart, using a cursor in a database can be an effective way to traverse and manipulate the data. A cursor enables you to iterate through a set of rows returned by a query, allowing you to handle each row individually, which is especially useful in hierarchical structures. Here's a general approach to using cursors for processing hierarchical data:
1. Understanding Hierarchical Data Structure
Hierarchical data typically consists of parent-child relationships. For an organizational chart, each employee might have a direct supervisor (parent). A common way to store this relationship in a database is to have an employees table with a manager_id that references the employee_id of the employee's manager. Example Table Structure:
CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    employee_name VARCHAR(255),
    manager_id INT,
    FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES employees(employee_id)
2. Writing a Recursive Query
In some databases, you can use Common Table Expressions (CTEs) to retrieve hierarchical data recursively. However, if you're specifically looking to utilize a cursor for processing this data, you might proceed as follows:
3. Using a Cursor to Traverse Hierarchical Data
Here’s how you can use a cursor for this purpose:
Step 1: Initialize the Cursor
You need to declare a cursor that selects the initial set of rows you want to start processing. This usually would be the top-level manager.
DECLARE @employee_id INT;
DECLARE @employee_name VARCHAR(255);
DECLARE @manager_id INT;

-- Declare a cursor for the employees (assuming starting from a known employee_id)
DECLARE employee_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT employee_id, employee_name, manager_id 
FROM employees
WHERE manager_id IS NULL;  -- Start with top-level managers (no managers)
Step 2: Open the Cursor and Fetch Rows
Open the cursor to initialize it and fetch the first row.
OPEN employee_cursor;

FETCH NEXT FROM employee_cursor INTO @employee_id, @employee_name, @manager_id;

    -- Process the current employee
    PRINT @employee_name;

    -- For each employee, fetch their direct reports
    DECLARE @sub_employee_id INT;
    DECLARE @sub_employee_name VARCHAR(255);
    DECLARE sub_employee_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT employee_id, employee_name 
    FROM employees 
    WHERE manager_id = @employee_id;

    OPEN sub_employee_cursor;

    FETCH NEXT FROM sub_employee_cursor INTO @sub_employee_id, @sub_employee_name;

        -- Process the sub-employees (direct reports)
        PRINT '  ' + @sub_employee_name;  -- Indent to show hierarchy

        -- Move to the next sub-employee
        FETCH NEXT FROM sub_employee_cursor INTO @sub_employee_id, @sub_employee_name;

    CLOSE sub_employee_cursor;
    DEALLOCATE sub_employee_cursor;

    -- Move to the next employee in the main cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM employee_cursor INTO @employee_id, @employee_name, @manager_id;

-- Clean up the cursor
CLOSE employee_cursor;
DEALLOCATE employee_cursor;
4. Explanation
- The outer cursor (employee_cursor) fetches top-level employees (those who do not have a manager). - For each fetched employee, a nested cursor (sub_employee_cursor) retrieves their direct reports. - The hierarchy is printed using indentation to visually represent the relationship.
5. Performance Considerations
- Cursors can be slower than set-based operations, so use them judiciously. - Consider whether recursive CTEs or window functions (if supported by your SQL dialect) could be more efficient for your needs.
Using cursors for hierarchical data processing is straightforward, but it's essential to balance its usage with performance considerations. For large datasets, consider alternate methods such as recursive queries with CTEs.