How do you use the LAG and LEAD functions with PARTITION BY to access previous and next row values?
Posted by KarenKg
Last Updated: July 02, 2024
In SQL, the LAG and LEAD functions are used to access data from a previous or next row in the result set. These functions are often combined with the PARTITION BY clause to apply their logic within specific subsets of data.
- LAG:
LAG(value_column, offset, default_value) OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column ORDER BY order_column)
LEAD(value_column, offset, default_value) OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column ORDER BY order_column)
- Parameters: - value_column: The column from which you want to fetch previous or next row values. - offset: (Optional) The number of rows back (for LAG) or forward (for LEAD) from the current row. Default is 1. - default_value: (Optional) A value to return if the specified row does not exist (for example, trying to access a row before the first row). - PARTITION BY partition_column: This divides the result set into partitions to which the functions are applied. - ORDER BY order_column: This defines the order in which rows are considered in each partition.
Example Usage
Let's assume we have a table named Sales with the following columns: - EmployeeID - SalesDate - Amount We want to find each employee's current sales amount as well as their previous and next sales amounts.
    LAG(Amount, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY EmployeeID ORDER BY SalesDate) AS Previous_Sale,
    LEAD(Amount, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY EmployeeID ORDER BY SalesDate) AS Next_Sale
    EmployeeID, SalesDate;
1. PARTITION BY EmployeeID: This means that the LAG and LEAD functions will operate independently for each employee. 2. ORDER BY SalesDate: This specifies that the sales records will be ordered chronologically within each employee's data. 3. LAG(Amount, 1): This retrieves the amount of the previous sale for each employee. 4. LEAD(Amount, 1): This retrieves the amount of the next sale for each employee. 5. The final result will include each employee’s sales along with their previous and next sales amounts.
Important Notes
- If you try to access a previous row where none exists (e.g., the first row in the partition), LAG will return NULL (or the specified default_value if provided). - Similarly, if there is no next row for LEAD, it will also return NULL (or the specified default_value). By using LAG and LEAD effectively with PARTITION BY, you can perform complex analytics over your dataset.
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