How do you use the LEAD function to access the value of a subsequent row within the same result set?
Posted by SamPetr
Last Updated: June 26, 2024
The LEAD function in SQL is used to access data from a subsequent row in the same result set without the need for a self-join. This function is particularly useful for comparing values in adjacent rows.
Basic Syntax
LEAD(column_name, offset, default) OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column ORDER BY order_column)
- column_name: The name of the column from which you want to retrieve data. - offset: The number of rows forward from the current row from which to retrieve data. The default is 1 (the next row). - default: A value to return if the LEAD call goes beyond the limits of the result set. This is optional. - PARTITION BY: This clause divides the result set into partitions to which the LEAD function is applied. - ORDER BY: This clause determines the order of rows within each partition.
Assume you have a table called sales with the following columns: id, sale_date, and amount. You want to compare each sale with the next one.
SQL Query
    LEAD(amount) OVER (ORDER BY sale_date) AS next_amount
- In this query, for each row in the sales table: - The current amount is retrieved. - The LEAD(amount) function retrieves the amount of the next sale based on the order of sale_date. - The result set will contain the current amount and the next_amount for comparison.
Example Output
Assuming the sales table contains:
| id | sale_date | amount |
| 1  | 2023-01-01| 100.00 |
| 2  | 2023-01-02| 150.00 |
| 3  | 2023-01-03| 200.00 |
The output of the query would be:
| id | sale_date | amount | next_amount |
| 1  | 2023-01-01| 100.00 | 150.00      |
| 2  | 2023-01-02| 150.00 | 200.00      |
| 3  | 2023-01-03| 200.00 | NULL        |
In the last row, next_amount is NULL because there is no subsequent row.
Usage Considerations
- Ensure that you order the rows logically when using LEAD to get meaningful results. - If you need to compare values in groups (like by category), use PARTITION BY to define those groups. For instance:
LEAD(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY category_id ORDER BY sale_date)
This function offers a powerful way to analyze sequential data without the complexity of self-joins.
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