How do you use the PARTITION BY clause with aggregate functions to calculate aggregates over partitions?
Posted by SamPetr
Last Updated: July 17, 2024
The PARTITION BY clause is used in conjunction with aggregate functions in SQL to calculate aggregates over specific partitions or subsets of data within a result set. It essentially divides the result set into partitions (groups of rows) to perform calculations independently on each partition. Here's how to use the PARTITION BY clause with aggregate functions, along with an example:
Basic Syntax
SELECT column1,
       AGGREGATE_FUNCTION(column3) OVER (PARTITION BY column1 ORDER BY column2 [ROWS/BETWEEN clause]) AS aggregate_result
FROM table_name;
- AGGREGATE_FUNCTION: This can be any aggregate function like SUM(), AVG(), COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), etc. - PARTITION BY column1: This divides the result set into partitions based on the values in column1. - ORDER BY column2: (optional) This orders the rows in each partition. It is often used in conjunction with windowing functions like ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), etc. - ROWS/BETWEEN clause: (optional) This can specify a subset of rows (frame) within the partition for calculations.
Suppose we have a table sales with the following columns: - region (e.g., 'East', 'West') - sales_person (e.g., 'Alice', 'Bob') - amount (numeric values representing sales amounts) To calculate the total sales for each region while also showing individual sales, we can use the following SQL query:
SELECT region,
       SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY region) AS total_sales_by_region
FROM sales;
Explanation of Example
- The query selects the region, sales_person, and amount from the sales table. - The SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY region) computes the total sales for each region. - The result will contain the individual sales amounts alongside the total sales for the corresponding region, with the total being repeated in each row for that region.
Output Example
If the sales table contains the following data: | region | sales_person | amount | |--------|--------------|--------| | East | Alice | 100 | | East | Bob | 200 | | West | Charlie | 300 | | West | David | 400 | The resulting output would look like this: | region | sales_person | amount | total_sales_by_region | |--------|--------------|--------|------------------------| | East | Alice | 100 | 300 | | East | Bob | 200 | 300 | | West | Charlie | 300 | 700 | | West | David | 400 | 700 |
Using PARTITION BY allows you to perform complex analytical queries that aggregate data while still retaining individual row details, making it a powerful feature in SQL for data analysis and reporting.
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