How do you use the ROW_NUMBER function with PARTITION BY to assign sequential numbers?
Posted by PaulAnd
Last Updated: June 21, 2024
The ROW_NUMBER() function is a window function in SQL that assigns a unique sequential integer to rows within a partition of a result set. When used with the PARTITION BY clause, it allows you to reset the row numbering for each partition. Here’s how you can use it:
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY column_1, column_2 ORDER BY column_3)
- PARTITION BY is used to define the partitions to which the row numbering should be applied. - ORDER BY is used to specify the order of rows within each partition.
Let's say you have a table called Employees with the following columns: DepartmentId, EmployeeId, and EmployeeName. You want to assign a sequential number to each employee within their respective departments.
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DepartmentId ORDER BY EmployeeId) AS RowNum
Explanation of the Example
- PARTITION BY DepartmentId: This means that the row numbering will restart for each department. Each department's employees will have their own sequential numbering starting from 1. - ORDER BY EmployeeId: This specifies that the employees should be ordered by their EmployeeId within each department when assigning the row number.
If your Employees table looks like this: | DepartmentId | EmployeeId | EmployeeName | |--------------|------------|---------------| | 1 | 101 | Alice | | 1 | 102 | Bob | | 2 | 201 | Charlie | | 2 | 202 | David | | 1 | 103 | Eve | The output of the above query would be: | DepartmentId | EmployeeId | EmployeeName | RowNum | |--------------|------------|---------------|--------| | 1 | 101 | Alice | 1 | | 1 | 102 | Bob | 2 | | 1 | 103 | Eve | 3 | | 2 | 201 | Charlie | 1 | | 2 | 202 | David | 2 | In this result set, each department has its own row numbering that starts from 1.
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