How do you use the CREATE QUEUE statement to create a new queue for Service Broker?
Posted by RoseHrs
Last Updated: July 16, 2024
To create a new queue for Service Broker in SQL Server, you use the CREATE QUEUE statement. This statement allows you to define a queue where messages can be stored and processed asynchronously. Here's the basic syntax for the CREATE QUEUE statement:
CREATE QUEUE [schema_name].[queue_name]
        [ RETENTION = { ON | OFF } ]
        [ MAX_QUEUE_READERS = max_readers ]
        [ ACTIVATION = ( STATUS = { ON | OFF } 
            [ , PROCEDURE_NAME = schema_name.procedure_name ]
            [ , MAX_QUEUE_READERS = max_readers ]
            [ , EXECUTE AS = { SELF | OWNER | 'user_name' } ] 
        ) ]
        [ PERSISTED = { ON | OFF } ] 
- schema_name: The schema under which the queue is created. - queue_name: The name of the queue you want to create. - RETENTION: Specifies if the messages in the queue should be retained after being processed. - MAX_QUEUE_READERS: Sets the maximum number of concurrent readers that can process messages from the queue. - ACTIVATION: Enables or disables queue activation, and it allows you to specify the stored procedure that will be executed automatically to process messages. - EXECUTE AS: Specifies the security context under which the stored procedure runs if ACTIVATION is enabled.
Here's an example of creating a new queue named MyQueue in the dbo schema:
        STATUS = ON,
        PROCEDURE_NAME = dbo.MyQueueReader,
        MAX_QUEUE_READERS = 2,
Explanation of the Example:
- dbo.MyQueue is the name of the queue. - RETENTION = OFF means that messages are removed from the queue after they are read. - MAX_QUEUE_READERS = 5 allows up to 5 concurrent readers for the queue. - The ACTIVATION set to ON specifies that the stored procedure dbo.MyQueueReader will automatically be called to process messages when they arrive in the queue. - MAX_QUEUE_READERS = 2 inside the activation means that up to 2 instances of the MyQueueReader procedure can run concurrently. - EXECUTE AS SELF means the procedure will run in the context of the user who created the queue.
By using the CREATE QUEUE statement properly, you can manage how your application processes messages with SQL Server Service Broker effectively.