How do you use the CREATE CONTRACT statement to create a new contract for Service Broker?
Posted by MaryJns
Last Updated: July 14, 2024
In SQL Server, the CREATE CONTRACT statement is used to define a contract for Service Broker, which specifies the message types that can be sent in a dialog between two services. A contract is essential for establishing the rules for communication. Here is the general syntax for using the CREATE CONTRACT statement:
CREATE CONTRACT contract_name
    [ ( message_type_name [ SENT BY { SERVICE | CONTRACT_OWNER } ] [ , ... ] ) ]
- contract_name: The name of the contract you want to create. - message_type_name: The name of the message type that you want to be associated with this contract. - SENT BY { SERVICE | CONTRACT_OWNER }: Specifies who can send messages of the specified message type. It can either be a service (indicating that the service defined in the contract can send messages of the specified type) or the contract owner.
1. First, you need to create the message types that your contract will use.
2. Then, you can create a contract that specifies which message types can be used.
CREATE CONTRACT [YourContractName]
    ([YourMessageTypeName] SENT BY SERVICE);
Complete Example:
Here's a complete flow to create a Service Broker contract:
-- Create a message type

-- Create a contract
    ([OrderMessage] SENT BY SERVICE);
Important Notes:
- Contracts are linked to services, and they define the conversation that can take place between them. - Once a contract is created, you cannot change its definition; you will need to drop it and recreate it if you need modifications. - Always ensure that you're following best practices for naming conventions to avoid confusion. After creating the contract, you can use it while establishing conversations between services in Service Broker.