How do you use the CREATE SCHEMA statement to create a new schema in the database?
Posted by GraceDv
Last Updated: July 21, 2024
The CREATE SCHEMA statement is used in SQL to create a new schema in a database. A schema is essentially a way to organize database objects such as tables, views, and procedures. Different database management systems (DBMS) might have slight variations in syntax, but the general way to use the CREATE SCHEMA statement is quite similar. Here's the basic syntax for creating a schema:
CREATE SCHEMA schema_name;
Suppose you want to create a new schema called sales. You would use the following SQL statement:
Additional Options
Some database systems allow you to create a schema with additional properties such as specifying authorization, creating tables, or defining defaults. Here’s an example with more advanced options:
CREATE SCHEMA schema_name
    AUTHORIZATION user_name
    -- Optionally create a table
    CREATE TABLE example_table (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        name VARCHAR(100)
1. Authorization: If you include the AUTHORIZATION clause, you specify the owner of the schema. 2. Permissions: In some DBMSs, the ability to create a schema may require specific permissions or roles, generally linked to database administration. 3. Database Compatibility: Different databases (like PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle) may have variations in syntax and additional options. It’s always a good idea to refer to the documentation for the specific database system you are using for any advanced features or variations. 4. Existing Schemas: Attempting to create a schema that already exists typically results in an error. You may need to check for existence first or use a conditional statement, depending on your DBMS. Always ensure that you have the necessary permissions and are aware of the organizational implications of creating a new schema within your database.