How do you use the CHAR function to return the character for a given ASCII code?
Posted by JackBrn
Last Updated: July 07, 2024
The CHAR function is used in various programming and database languages, including SQL and Excel, to return the character that corresponds to a given ASCII code.
In Excel:
You can use the CHAR function like this:
- number: This is the ASCII code you want to convert into a character. It should be between 1 and 255, as these are the valid ASCII values. Example: - =CHAR(65) will return "A" - =CHAR(97) will return "a"
The CHAR function can also be used in SQL (though sometimes in a slightly different context depending on the SQL dialect). Here’s how you might use it:
SELECT CHAR(ascii_value) AS character
FROM your_table;
- ascii_value is the integer representing the ASCII code. Example: - SELECT CHAR(65) AS character; will return "A".
Always ensure you are using the CHAR function with a valid ASCII code, and it will return the corresponding character for that given code.