How do you use the FIRST_VALUE function to return the first value in an ordered set of values?
Posted by SamPetr
Last Updated: July 21, 2024
The FIRST_VALUE function is a window function in SQL that allows you to retrieve the first value in a set of ordered values within a specified window or partition. It is particularly useful when you're working with analytical queries that require aggregation over a subset of data.
FIRST_VALUE(expression) OVER (
    [PARTITION BY partition_expression]
    ORDER BY order_expression
    [ROWS BETWEEN ...]
- expression: The column or expression from which you want to retrieve the first value. - PARTITION BY: (Optional) This clause divides the result set into partitions to which the function is applied. If omitted, the function treats the entire result set as a single partition. - ORDER BY: This clause defines the logical order in which the rows are considered in each partition. - ROWS BETWEEN: (Optional) This clause can be used to specify the range of rows to consider for the function if you want it to be limited to a specific set of rows rather than the entire partition.
Example Usage:
Assume you have a table named sales with the following schema:
| id | employee_id | sale_date   | amount |
| 1  | 101         | 2023-01-01  | 100    |
| 2  | 101         | 2023-01-05  | 150    |
| 3  | 102         | 2023-01-02  | 200    |
| 4  | 102         | 2023-01-06  | 250    |
To get the first sale amount for each employee based on sale_date, you can use the FIRST_VALUE function like this:
    FIRST_VALUE(amount) OVER (
        PARTITION BY employee_id 
        ORDER BY sale_date
    ) AS first_sale_amount
    employee_id, sale_date;
- The PARTITION BY employee_id clause creates a separate partition for each employee. - The ORDER BY sale_date clause orders the sales within each employee's partition by the sale date. - The FIRST_VALUE(amount) retrieves the first sale amount for each employee based on the order defined in the ORDER BY clause. - The result set will show each sale along with the first sale amount for the respective employee for easy analysis.
Output Example:
Given the above SQL query, the output would look like this:
| employee_id | sale_date   | amount | first_sale_amount |
| 101         | 2023-01-01  | 100    | 100                |
| 101         | 2023-01-05  | 150    | 100                |
| 102         | 2023-01-02  | 200    | 200                |
| 102         | 2023-01-06  | 250    | 200                |
Here, each row shows the sale amount along with the respective first sale amount for that employee.