How do you perform a self-join to find pairs of employees working under the same manager in an Employees table?
Posted by GraceDv
Last Updated: July 18, 2024
To perform a self-join on the Employees table to find pairs of employees working under the same manager, you would typically structure an SQL query that joins the Employees table to itself based on the manager's ID. This involves using an alias for the table to differentiate between the two instances of the Employees table. Assuming your Employees table has at least the following columns: - EmployeeID - unique identifier for each employee - EmployeeName - name of the employee - ManagerID - ID of the employee's manager (which references EmployeeID) Here is an example SQL query to find pairs of employees that work under the same manager:
    e1.EmployeeID AS Employee1ID,
    e1.EmployeeName AS Employee1Name,
    e2.EmployeeID AS Employee2ID,
    e2.EmployeeName AS Employee2Name,
    Employees e1
    Employees e2 ON e1.ManagerID = e2.ManagerID
    e1.EmployeeID <> e2.EmployeeID
    e1.ManagerID, e1.EmployeeID, e2.EmployeeID;
1. Table Aliases: We are using e1 and e2 as aliases for the two instances of the Employees table. This allows us to reference the same table twice in the same query. 2. Join Condition: The JOIN condition ON e1.ManagerID = e2.ManagerID ensures that we are pairing employees who share the same manager. 3. Avoiding Self-Pairing: The WHERE e1.EmployeeID <> e2.EmployeeID clause ensures that we do not pair an employee with themselves. 4. Selection of Columns: The SELECT statement chooses specific columns to display the IDs and names of the two employees along with their shared manager ID. 5. Ordering: The ORDER BY clause helps organize the results for better readability, though it is optional. This query will return results containing pairs of employee IDs and names who have the same manager.