How can you continue a cherry-pick operation after resolving conflicts?
Posted by FrankMl
Last Updated: June 18, 2024
To continue a cherry-pick operation after resolving conflicts in Git, you generally follow these steps: 1. Resolve the Conflicts: Open the files that have conflicts. Git will mark the conflicting sections in the files using markers (like <<<<<<<, =======, and >>>>>>>). You'll need to edit the files to resolve these conflicts manually. 2. Stage the Changes: Once you've resolved all the conflicts in the affected files, you need to stage the resolved files using:
git add <file1> <file2> ...
Alternatively, if you want to stage all resolved files, you can use:
git add .
3. Continue the Cherry-Pick: After staging the resolved files, you can continue the cherry-pick operation with the following command:
git cherry-pick --continue
4. Confirm the Success: If there are no further conflicts, Git will complete the cherry-pick operation and apply the changes to your branch. You can check the status with:
git status
5. If Needed, Abort the Cherry-Pick: If you encounter issues and decide not to proceed with the cherry-pick after resolving conflicts, you can abort the operation at any time by running:
git cherry-pick --abort
This will undo any changes that were made during the cherry-pick operation and return your repository to the state it was in before you started the cherry-pick. By following these instructions, you can successfully continue and complete a cherry-pick operation after resolving conflicts.