How can you continue a rebase operation after manually resolving conflicts?
Posted by BobHarris
Last Updated: June 05, 2024
After manually resolving conflicts during a rebase operation in Git, you need to continue the rebase process by following these steps: 1. Stage the Changes: After resolving the conflicts in your files, you need to stage the resolved files. You can do this with the git add command. For example:
git add <file1> <file2> ...
If you've resolved all conflicts in all changed files, you can use git add . to stage all of them. 2. Continue the Rebase: Once the changes are staged, you can continue the rebase operation with:
git rebase --continue
3. Repeat if Necessary: If there are more conflicts in subsequent commits, you'll need to repeat the process—resolve the conflicts, stage the changes with git add, then run git rebase --continue again. 4. Complete the Rebase: Once there are no more conflicts and you've applied all the commits successfully, the rebase will be completed. 5. Final Cleanup (if needed): After the rebase is finished, you can check your log with git log and ensure everything looks correct. If you rebased a branch that was previously pushed to a remote, you may need to force-push the branch with:
git push --force
This series of steps will allow you to successfully continue and complete your rebase after resolving conflicts.