How do you declare and use a cursor with parameters to filter the result set dynamically?
Posted by KarenKg
Last Updated: July 18, 2024
In SQL, you can declare and use a cursor to iterate over a result set, and you can also pass parameters to filter that result set dynamically. Below is an example that demonstrates how to accomplish this in a SQL environment like SQL Server. The concept is similar in other databases, but the syntax may vary slightly.
Example: Declaring and Using a Cursor with Parameters
Let's say you have a table Employees and you would like to filter the employees based on the department and minimum salary.
Step 1: Create Example Table and Data
For this example, let's assume we have the following table:
CREATE TABLE Employees (
    EmployeeID INT,
    Name NVARCHAR(100),
    Department NVARCHAR(50),
    Salary DECIMAL(10, 2)

INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, Name, Department, Salary)
(1, 'Alice', 'HR', 60000),
(2, 'Bob', 'IT', 75000),
(3, 'Charlie', 'IT', 50000),
(4, 'David', 'HR', 55000),
(5, 'Eve', 'Finance', 70000);
Step 2: Declare a Cursor with Parameters
Here's how you can declare a cursor that takes parameters to filter the result set dynamically:
DECLARE @Department NVARCHAR(50),
        @MinSalary DECIMAL(10, 2);

-- Set parameters
SET @Department = 'IT';
SET @MinSalary = 60000;

SELECT EmployeeID, Name, Department, Salary
FROM Employees
WHERE Department = @Department AND Salary >= @MinSalary;
Step 3: Open the Cursor and Fetch Data
Now, you can open the cursor and fetch data from it:
OPEN EmployeeCursor;

        @Name NVARCHAR(100),
        @Dept NVARCHAR(50),
        @Salary DECIMAL(10, 2);

FETCH NEXT FROM EmployeeCursor INTO @EmployeeID, @Name, @Dept, @Salary;

    PRINT 'Employee ID: ' + CAST(@EmployeeID AS NVARCHAR) + 
          ', Name: ' + @Name + 
          ', Department: ' + @Dept + 
          ', Salary: ' + CAST(@Salary AS NVARCHAR);
    FETCH NEXT FROM EmployeeCursor INTO @EmployeeID, @Name, @Dept, @Salary;

CLOSE EmployeeCursor;
DEALLOCATE EmployeeCursor;
1. Parameter Declaration: We declare variables @Department and @MinSalary to hold the filtering criteria. 2. Cursor Declaration: The cursor EmployeeCursor is declared with a SELECT statement that uses the parameters defined earlier. 3. Fetching Data: The cursor is opened, and data is fetched in a loop until there are no more rows to process (@@FETCH_STATUS becomes -1). 4. Clean Up: After processing, it's essential to close and deallocate the cursor to free up resources.
- While cursors can be useful for certain tasks, they can also be inefficient for large data sets. Whenever possible, try to use set-based operations rather than row-by-row processing. - The example uses SQL Server's syntax; if you are using a different SQL database, the cursor handling might differ slightly.
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