How do you use the STRING_AGG function with DISTINCT to concatenate unique values?
Posted by TinaGrn
Last Updated: June 22, 2024
The STRING_AGG function in SQL Server is used to concatenate values from multiple rows into a single string, often separated by a specified delimiter. When you want to ensure that only unique values are considered in the concatenation, you can use the DISTINCT keyword within a subquery. Here's the general syntax for using STRING_AGG with DISTINCT:
SELECT STRING_AGG(column_name, ', ') AS concatenated_values
    SELECT DISTINCT column_name
    FROM your_table
) AS distinct_values;
Detailed Example
Suppose you have a table named Employees with a column named Department. You want to get a list of unique departments separated by commas. Here’s how you would do it:
SELECT STRING_AGG(DISTINCT Department, ', ') AS UniqueDepartments
FROM Employees;
However, if DISTINCT doesn't work directly with STRING_AGG, you typically rely on subqueries or CTEs (Common Table Expressions). Here's how you would do this with a subquery:
SELECT STRING_AGG(Department, ', ') AS UniqueDepartments
    SELECT DISTINCT Department
    FROM Employees
) AS DistinctDepartments;
1. Database Compatibility: The STRING_AGG function is available in SQL Server 2017 and later. Ensure your database version supports it. 2. Null Values: NULL values are ignored in the output of STRING_AGG. 3. Ordering: If you want to maintain a specific order in the concatenation, you can add the ORDER BY clause inside the STRING_AGG. Here's an example:
SELECT STRING_AGG(DISTINCT Department, ', ' ORDER BY Department) AS UniqueDepartments
   FROM Employees;
This example ensures that the unique departments are listed in alphabetical order within the concatenated string. By using this method, you can effectively concatenate unique values from a column in SQL Server, ensuring a tidy and distinct list.