How do you use the STRING_AGG function to concatenate strings from multiple rows?
Posted by RoseHrs
Last Updated: July 11, 2024
The STRING_AGG function in SQL is used to concatenate values from multiple rows into a single string, with a specified separator between the concatenated values. It is particularly useful when working with groups of data in SQL queries. Here is the general syntax for using STRING_AGG:
STRING_AGG(expression, separator)
- expression: The column or expression whose values you want to concatenate. - separator: The string that is inserted between each value in the result. This is optional and can be a comma, space, or any other string.
Example Usage
Imagine you have a table named Employees with the following data: | Department | EmployeeName | |------------|-----------------| | Sales | Alice | | Sales | Bob | | Marketing | Carol | | Marketing | Dave | | IT | Eva | If you want to concatenate employee names for each department, you can use STRING_AGG in the following way:
    STRING_AGG(EmployeeName, ', ') AS EmployeeNames
The resulting output will look like this: | Department | EmployeeNames | |------------|------------------------| | Sales | Alice, Bob | | Marketing | Carol, Dave | | IT | Eva |
Important Notes
- The STRING_AGG function is available in SQL Server (2017 and later), PostgreSQL, and other SQL dialects. Make sure your database supports it. - In case of an empty result set or no matching rows, STRING_AGG will return NULL, unless handled with COALESCE or other expressions. This example demonstrates how to effectively use the STRING_AGG function to achieve concatenation of string values across rows based on a grouping condition (in this case, the department).