Write a class named Phone to represent a telephone. This class is to be the parent class for several types of phones. The class should define the following methods:
a) A constructor that accepts the name of a telecoms provider, for example “LIME” (use a string for this), and the phones telephone number (use a string for this also).
b) The getter methods getProvider, and getNumber to return the respective values;
c) A method named call that accepts a telephone number and adds it to a list of calls made. This method should not return a value.
Phone Class:
import java.util.*;
public class Phone
protected String telecoms_provider;
protected String tel_number;
protected ArrayList<String> calls_made = new ArrayList();
public Phone(String tele_p, String tele_n)
telecoms_provider = tele_p;
tel_number = tele_n;
public String getProvider()
return telecoms_provider;
public String getNumber()
return tel_number;
public void call(String tel_num)
Write the class BangerPhone as a subclass of Phone. A banger phone is a normal mobile phone that can only place calls. The class shall have the following methods:
a) A constructor that accepts the name of the telecoms provider, and the telephone number.
b) A constructor that accepts the telephone number only and sets the name of the telecoms provider to “ROAM”;
c) A method named call that accepts a telephone number and adds it the list of calls made. In addition, the method should add $10 to the total cost of calls made.
d) A toString method that returns a string formatted as follows:
Phone: <telephone number> Provider: <provider’s name>
Calls made: <number 1>
<number 2>
Total Calls: <number of calls>
Total Cost: <total cost of calls made>
BangerPhone Class:
public class BangerPhone extends Phone
private double total_cost;
public BangerPhone(String t_p, String t_n)
super(t_p, t_n);
public BangerPhone(String t_n)
super("ROAM", t_n);
public void call(String tel_num)
total_cost += 10;
public String toString()
String result;
String calls ="";
int count = 0;
for(String c : calls_made)
calls += "\n\t\t"+c;
result = "Phone: "+ tel_number +" Provider: "+telecoms_provider;
result += "\nCalls Made: "+ calls;
result+="\nTotal Calls: "+ count;
result+="\nTotal Cost: "+ total_cost+"\n\n";
return result;
Write the class SmartPhone as a subclass of the class Phone. A smart phone has a provider name, a telephone, and an IP address..
a) A constructor that accepts the phone number and IP address (a string) in that order. The constructor should set the provider’s name to “WUZUP” by default.
b) A method named call that accepts a telephone number and adds it the list of calls made.
c) A toString method that returns a string formatted as follows:
Phone: <telephone number> Provider: <name of provider>
Calls made: <number 1>
<number 2>
Total Calls: <number of calls
SmartPhone Class:
public class SmartPhone extends Phone
private String IP_address;
public SmartPhone(String pn, String ip)
super("WUZUP", pn);
IP_address = ip;
public void call(String tel_num)
public String toString()
String result;
String calls ="";
int count = 0;
for(String c : calls_made)
calls += "\n\t\t"+c;
result = "Phone: "+ tel_number +" Provider: "+telecoms_provider;
result += "\nCalls Made:"+ calls;
result+="\nTotal Calls: "+ count+"\n\n";
return result;
Write code to test your classes by performing the following tasks:
a) Create a banger phone using the first constructor of the BangerPhone class.
b) Create a second banger phone using the second constructor of the BangerPhone classs;
c) Create a Smartphone using the constructor of the SmartPhone class.
d) Call the police (“119”) on each of the phones then print each object.
public class PhoneTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BangerPhone bp = new BangerPhone("Digi","123456789");
BangerPhone bp2 = new BangerPhone("564789658");
SmartPhone sp = new SmartPhone("987563214","");