C++ program that computes and displays the charges for a patient’s hospital stay
Posted by Samath
Last Updated: January 06, 2021

Write a program that computes and displays the charges for a patient’s hospital stay. First the program should ask if the patient was admitted as an in-patient or an out-patient. If the patient was an in-patient, the following data should be entered:

   - The number of days spent in the hospital

   - The daily rate

   -  Hospital medication charges

   - Charges for hospital services (lab tests, etc)

The program should ask for the following data if the patient was an out-patient:

    - Charges for hospital services (lab tests, etc)

    - Hospital medication charges

The program should use two overloaded functions to calculate the total charges. One of the functions should accept arguments for the in-patient data, while the other function accepts arguments for the out-patient information. Both functions should return the total charges.

Input Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for any data.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

float patient(int days, float rate, float medcharges, float HScharges);
float patient(float medcharges, float HScharges);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                char ans;
                cout<<"Enter I for in-patient or O for out-patient: ";
                if(ans == 'I' || ans == 'i')
                                int days;
                                float rate, medcharges, HScharges;
                                float total;
                                cout<<"Number of days spent in the hospital: ";
                cout<<"Daily rate: ";
                    cout<<"Hospital  medication charges: ";
                    cout<<"Charges for hospital services: ";
                total = patient(days, rate, medcharges, HScharges);
                cout<<"Patient total charges $"<<total;
                else if(ans == 'O' || ans == 'o')
                                float medcharges, HScharges;
                                float total;
                    cout<<"Hospital  medication charges: ";
                    cout<<"Charges for hospital services: ";
                total = patient(medcharges, HScharges);
                cout<<"Patient total charges $"<<total;
                return 0;

float patient(int days, float rate, float medcharges, float HScharges)
                float totalcharges;
                float temp;

                if(medcharges < 0 || HScharges < 0 || rate < 0 || days < 0)
                    cout<<"Only Positive Number Allowed";
                temp = medcharges + HScharges;
                totalcharges = days  * rate;
                totalcharges += temp;
                return totalcharges;       

float patient(float medcharges, float HScharges)
                float totalcharges;

                if(medcharges < 0 || HScharges < 0)
                   cout<<"Only Positive Number Allowed";
                totalcharges = medcharges + HScharges;
                return totalcharges;       