Write a class named Book to represent a book. This class is to be the parent class for several types of books. The class should define the following methods:
a) A constructor that accepts the isbn number of a book (a string) and the number of pages in the book, in that order.
b) The getter methods getISBN, and getPages.
c) A setter method updatePages that accepts an integer as a parameter and sets the number of pages to the parameter value.
Write the class Dictionary which is a subclass of Book. A dictionary has an isbn number and a number of pages along with a count of the number of entries it contains. The class Dictionary shall have the following methods:
a) A constructor that accepts the the isbn number, number of entries, and number of pages (in that order).
b) A constructor that accepts the isbn number and number of pages (in that order) as parameters. This constructor shall set the number of entries for the dictionary to 0.
c) A method named setEntries that accepts an integer as it parameter and sets the number of entries to the value of the parameter.
d) A toString method that returns a string formatted as follows: ISBN: Entries per page:
ISBN: <isbncode> Entries per page: <calculate the ration entries / page>
Write the class Novel which is a subclass of the class Book. A novel has an isbn number, a number of pages, a title (a string) and an author (also a string). The class shall have the following methods:
a) A constructor that accepts the novel’s title, author, isbn, and number of pages, in that order.
b) A setter method updatePages that accepts an integer value and set the number of pages for the novel to the parameter value + 10 (to accommodate prologue and epilogue).
c) A toString method that returns a string formatted as follows:
Author: <author> Title:<title> ISBN:<isbn> Pages:<pages>
4. Write code to test your classes by performing the following tasks:
a) Create a dictionary without specifying the number of entries.
b) Create a novel with data of your choice.
c) Create a second dictionary specifying the number of entries
d) Invoke the updatePages method with the value 100 on each of the object.
e) Print all the objects.
Book Class:
public class Book
protected String isbn_num;
protected String page_num;
public Book(String isbn, String page)
isbn_num = isbn;
page_num = page;
public String getISBN()
return isbn_num;
public String getPages()
return page_num;
public void updatePages(String p)
page_num = p;
Dictionary Class:
public class Dictionary extends Book
private int entries_count;
public Dictionary(String isbn, int en_count, String page)
super(isbn, page);
entries_count = en_count;
public Dictionary(String isbn, String page)
super(isbn, page);
entries_count = 0;
public void setEntries(int en)
entries_count = en;
public String toString()
String result;
int enPerPage = (entries_count/Integer.parseInt(page_num));
result = "ISBN: "+ isbn_num +" Entries per page: "+ enPerPage+"\n";
return result;
Novel Class:
public class Novel extends Book
private String author;
private String title;
public Novel(String t, String aut, String isbn, String page)
super(isbn, page);
author = aut;
title = t;
public void updatePages(String p)
int temp = Integer.parseInt(p)+10;
page_num = Integer.toString(temp);
public String toString()
String result;
result = "Author: "+author+" Title: "+title+" ISBN: "+ isbn_num +" Page: "+ page_num+"\n";
return result;
public class BookTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dictionary dic = new Dictionary("63728","65");
Novel nov = new Novel("UP and Running", "John Brown", "59876", "98");
Dictionary dic2 = new Dictionary("85648",325,"65");