How do you use the TRY_PARSE function to convert string data to datetime values with culture-specific formats and error handling?
Posted by SamPetr
Last Updated: June 05, 2024
In SQL Server, the TRY_PARSE function is a useful tool for converting string data to datetime values while also allowing for culture-specific formats and error handling. The TRY_PARSE function attempts to convert the input string to a specified data type using the specified culture. If the conversion is unsuccessful, it returns a NULL value instead of throwing an error. Syntax:
TRY_PARSE ( expression AS data_type [ USING culture ] )
- expression: This is the string value you want to convert. - data_type: This is the target data type you want to convert to (e.g., DATETIME, DATETIME2, etc.). - culture: Optional; specifies the culture to be used for interpreting the format of the string.
Example of Using TRY_PARSE
Here's an example that demonstrates how to use TRY_PARSE to convert a string to a DATETIME value with culture-specific settings and error handling:
DECLARE @dateString NVARCHAR(50);
SET @dateString = '31/12/2023'; -- format: dd/MM/yyyy

-- Convert using British English culture
    @dateString AS OriginalString,
    TRY_PARSE(@dateString AS DATETIME USING 'en-GB') AS ParsedDate;
In this example: - The string 31/12/2023 represents a date in dd/MM/yyyy format, which is common in British culture. - The TRY_PARSE function attempts to convert the string to a DATETIME value using British English (en-GB). - If the conversion is successful, you’ll see the parsed date; if not, it will return NULL.
Error Handling
To handle potential conversion errors, you can check if the result of TRY_PARSE is NULL, indicating that the conversion failed:
DECLARE @dateString NVARCHAR(50);
SET @dateString = '31/12/2023';

-- Try to convert and check if it failed
    @dateString AS OriginalString,
    TRY_PARSE(@dateString AS DATETIME USING 'en-GB') AS ParsedDate,
        WHEN TRY_PARSE(@dateString AS DATETIME USING 'en-GB') IS NULL THEN 'Conversion Failed'
        ELSE 'Conversion Successful'
    END AS ConversionStatus;
1. Culture Specification: Always specify the appropriate culture that matches the format of your string data to ensure correct conversion. Different cultures have different conventions for date and time formats. 2. NULL Result: If TRY_PARSE fails, it will return NULL instead of raising an error, making it easier to handle invalid data without crashing your queries. 3. Performance Consideration: Be mindful of the performance implications when using TRY_PARSE. It is more resource-intensive than a standard conversion function because it involves parsing based on culture. Using TRY_PARSE can significantly enhance your ability to work with string representations of dates and times in different formats while handling potential errors gracefully.
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