The PARSE function in SQL Server and some other databases is used to convert a string representation of a date and time into a datetime data type. It allows you to specify the culture (locale) to be used during the conversion, which can be very helpful when dealing with different date formats.
PARSE (string_value AS data_type [ USING culture ] )
- string_value: The string representation of the date/time that you want to convert.
- data_type: The target data type (usually DATETIME, DATE, DATETIME2, etc.).
- culture: Optional. A string that defines the culture for the conversion (e.g., 'en-US' for United States, 'fr-FR' for French, etc.).
1. Basic Conversion:
You have a simple string date, like '2023-10-01', and you want to convert it to a DATETIME.
DECLARE @dateString NVARCHAR(50) = '2023-10-01';
SELECT PARSE(@dateString AS DATETIME) AS ParsedDate;
2. Using a Specific Culture:
If you have a date string formatted according to a specific culture, you can specify that culture in the PARSE function. For example:
DECLARE @dateString NVARCHAR(50) = '10/01/2023'; -- MM/DD/YYYY format
SELECT PARSE(@dateString AS DATETIME USING 'en-US') AS ParsedDate;
If the date string is in a different format, such as DD/MM/YYYY and the culture is set to French:
DECLARE @dateString NVARCHAR(50) = '01/10/2023'; -- DD/MM/YYYY format
SELECT PARSE(@dateString AS DATETIME USING 'fr-FR') AS ParsedDate;
3. Handling Invalid Formats:
If the string cannot be converted to a datetime value due to an invalid format, the query will result in an error. It's a good practice to ensure the data you are trying to convert is in the expected format.
Important Notes:
- The PARSE function is more flexible than CAST or CONVERT, especially in handling various date formats, but it might be slower due to the need to account for cultures.
- Always check the compatibility of your SQL Server version with the PARSE function, as it was introduced in SQL Server 2012.
- If performance is critical, consider using TRY_PARSE which returns NULL rather than an error when conversion fails.
Example of TRY_PARSE:
If you want to safely handle possible conversion errors:
DECLARE @dateString NVARCHAR(50) = 'invalid date';
-- This will return NULL instead of raising an error.
This way, PARSE can be a very effective tool for converting date and time string representations into actual date/time types in your SQL queries.