How do you enforce uniqueness in a column with a unique constraint?
Posted by SamPetr
Last Updated: July 19, 2024
Enforcing uniqueness in a database column can be achieved using a unique constraint. Here’s how you can enforce a uniqueness constraint on a column in various database systems:
SQL Databases
1. MySQL: - When creating a table:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
         id INT PRIMARY KEY,
         unique_column VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE
- Adding a unique constraint to an existing table:
ALTER TABLE table_name
     ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (unique_column);
2. PostgreSQL: - When creating a table:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
         unique_column VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE
- Adding a unique constraint to an existing table:
ALTER TABLE table_name
     ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (unique_column);
3. Microsoft SQL Server: - When creating a table:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
         id INT PRIMARY KEY,
         unique_column VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE
- Adding a unique constraint to an existing table:
ALTER TABLE table_name
     ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (unique_column);
4. SQLite: - When creating a table:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
         unique_column TEXT UNIQUE
- Adding a unique constraint to an existing table:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name (unique_column);
Important Considerations
- Error Handling: When a unique constraint is violated (for example, you attempt to insert a duplicate value), the database will throw an error. Make sure to handle these errors in your application logic. - Composite Unique Constraints: If you need to ensure uniqueness across multiple columns, you can create a composite unique constraint:
ALTER TABLE table_name
  ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (column1, column2);
- NULL Values: Most database systems allow multiple NULL values in a column with a unique constraint, with the exception of some databases like unique indexes in SQL Server. Check the specific behavior of the database you are using. Using unique constraints helps maintain data integrity and avoid duplicate entries in your database, making it a very important feature in database design.