How do you use the DATEFROMPARTS function to create a date from individual year, month, and day values?
Posted by RoseHrs
Last Updated: June 18, 2024
The DATEFROMPARTS function in SQL Server allows you to create a date value using individual year, month, and day values. The function is particularly useful for inserting or manipulating date data in your SQL queries.
DATEFROMPARTS ( year_value, month_value, day_value )
- year_value: An integer representing the year. - month_value: An integer representing the month (1 through 12). - day_value: An integer representing the day (1 through 31, depending on the month and year).
Here is a simple example of how to use DATEFROMPARTS to create a date:
DECLARE @Year INT = 2023;
DECLARE @Month INT = 10;

SELECT DATEFROMPARTS(@Year, @Month, @Day) AS CreatedDate;
In this example, the output will be 2023-10-05.
Important Notes:
1. Invalid Dates: If you pass values that do not constitute a valid date (such as February 30th or a month value less than 1 or greater than 12), SQL Server will raise an error. 2. Return Type: The DATEFROMPARTS function returns a date data type. 3. Usage in INSERT Statement: You can directly use this function in an INSERT statement to store a date in a table.
Example in INSERT Statement:
INSERT INTO YourTable (YourDateColumn)
This statement inserts the date "2023-10-05" into the YourDateColumn of YourTable. In summary, DATEFROMPARTS is a straightforward and effective way to construct date values from separate integers representing year, month, and day.