How do you use the DATEPART function to extract a part of a date (e.g., year, month)?
Posted by NickCrt
Last Updated: June 10, 2024
The DATEPART function is commonly used in SQL to extract specific components from a date, such as the year, month, day, etc. The exact syntax can vary slightly depending on the SQL dialect you are using (e.g., SQL Server, PostgreSQL, etc.). Below, I’ll provide examples primarily using SQL Server syntax, but I can also include other SQL dialects if needed.
SQL Server Example
In SQL Server, the syntax of the DATEPART function is as follows:
DATEPART(datepart, date)
- datepart is a string that specifies which part of the date you want to extract (like year, month, day). - date is the date expression you want to extract from.
Example 1: Extracting the Year
SELECT DATEPART(YEAR, '2023-10-05') AS YearPart;
This will return 2023.
Example 2: Extracting the Month
SELECT DATEPART(MONTH, '2023-10-05') AS MonthPart;
This will return 10.
Example 3: Extracting the Day
SELECT DATEPART(DAY, '2023-10-05') AS DayPart;
This will return 5.
Common Dateparts
Here are some common date parts you can use with DATEPART: - YEAR - Extracts the year - MONTH - Extracts the month - DAY - Extracts the day - HOUR - Extracts the hour - MINUTE - Extracts the minute - SECOND - Extracts the second
PostgreSQL Example
In PostgreSQL, you would use the EXTRACT() function, which is somewhat similar.
Example 1: Extracting the Year
Example 2: Extracting the Month
- Use the DATEPART function in SQL Server to extract specific parts of a date. - Use EXTRACT() in PostgreSQL to achieve similar results. - Make sure to replace the date literal with any column or variable that contains date values as needed. If you’re using a different SQL dialect or have specific requirements, feel free to ask!