How do you use the CREATE CERTIFICATE statement to create a new certificate for encryption?
Posted by QuinnLw
Last Updated: August 05, 2024
The CREATE CERTIFICATE statement in SQL Server is used to create a new certificate, which can be used for various security purposes, including encryption of data, signing, and other cryptographic operations. Here’s how to use the CREATE CERTIFICATE statement to create a new certificate:
Basic Syntax
CREATE CERTIFICATE certificate_name
   WITH SUBJECT = 'subject_name',
        EXPIRY_DATE = 'expiry_date',
        ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password';
- certificate_name: Name of the certificate you want to create. - SUBJECT: Represents the subject of the certificate, typically a string describing the entity the certificate identifies. - EXPIRY_DATE: The date when the certificate will expire; specified in a date format. If not specified, the default is one year from the date of creation. - ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD: This option allows you to encrypt the private key of the certificate using a password.
Here's an example of how you might create a certificate for encryption:
   WITH SUBJECT = 'My Example Encryption Certificate',
        EXPIRY_DATE = '2025-12-31',
        ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'StrongPassword123!';
Verifying the Certificate
After creating the certificate, you can verify its existence by querying the sys.certificates view:
SELECT * FROM sys.certificates WHERE name = 'MyEncryptionCert';
Using the Certificate
Once you've created the certificate, you can use it in various scenarios, such as for encrypting database columns, signing stored procedures, or establishing secure connections.
Important Considerations
1. Password Security: Make sure the password used for encryption is strong and stored securely. 2. Backup: Always back up the certificate along with its private key to restore it if needed. You can use the BACKUP CERTIFICATE statement for this purpose. 3. Permissions: Ensure that the user account executing the CREATE CERTIFICATE command has sufficient permissions.
Backup Example
To back up the certificate you created, you would use:
TO FILE = 'C:\Path\To\Backup\MyEncryptionCert.cer'
   FILE = 'C:\Path\To\Backup\MyEncryptionCert.pvk',
   ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'BackupPassword123!'
This will create a .cer file for the certificate and a .pvk file for the private key, secured with another password. By following these steps, you can create and manage certificates within SQL Server effectively for encryption and other security purposes.