Write a Python function to find the longest palindrome in a list of octal numbers.
Posted by OliviaWm
Last Updated: August 28, 2024
Finding the Longest Palindrome in a List of Octal Numbers
When working with octal numbers, a palindrome is a sequence that reads the same forwards and backwards. This function takes a list of octal numbers, checks if they are palindromic, and returns the longest palindrome found. If there are no palindromes, the function returns None. Here's how you can implement this in Python:
def is_palindrome(s):
    """Check if the given string s is a palindrome."""
    return s == s[::-1]

def find_longest_palindrome(octal_numbers):
    Find the longest palindromic octal number in a list.

    octal_numbers (list): A list of strings representing octal numbers.

    str: The longest palindromic octal number or None if no palindrome exists.
    longest_palindrome = None

    for num in octal_numbers:
        if is_palindrome(num):
            if longest_palindrome is None or len(num) > len(longest_palindrome):
                longest_palindrome = num

    return longest_palindrome

# Example usage:
octal_numbers = ['121', '343', '256', '454', '12321', '1001']
longest_palindrome = find_longest_palindrome(octal_numbers)
print(f"The longest palindromic octal number is: {longest_palindrome}")
1. is_palindrome(s): This helper function checks if the string s is palindromic by comparing it to its reverse (s[::-1]). 2. find_longest_palindrome(octal_numbers): This function iterates through the list of octal numbers. For each number: - It calls is_palindrome to check if the number is a palindrome. - If it is a palindrome and it's longer than the current longest palindrome (or if no longest palindrome has been set), it updates longest_palindrome. 3. Return Value: The function returns the longest palindromic octal number found, or None if no palindromes are present.
For the list ['121', '343', '256', '454', '12321', '1001'], the output will indicate that 12321 is the longest palindromic octal number. This implementation efficiently checks for palindromes in octal representations, making it a useful tool for processing numerical data in octal format.