Finding the Longest Palindrome in a List of Integers
Palindromes are sequences that read the same forwards and backwards. This property can be applied to integers as well. In the context of a list of integers, we can create a Python function that identifies the longest palindromic number within that list.
Below is a Python function that accomplishes this task:
def is_palindrome(number):
"""Check if a number is a palindrome."""
str_num = str(number)
return str_num == str_num[::-1]
def longest_palindrome(nums):
"""Find the longest palindrome in a list of integers."""
longest = None
max_length = 0
for num in nums:
if is_palindrome(num):
num_length = len(str(num))
if num_length > max_length:
max_length = num_length
longest = num
return longest
# Example usage
if name == "main":
numbers = [123, 121, 131, 4444, 56765, 78]
result = longest_palindrome(numbers)
print("The longest palindrome is:", result)
1. Helper Function - is_palindrome:
- This function takes an integer as input, converts it to a string, and checks if it reads the same forwards and backwards by comparing the string to its reverse (str_num[::-1]).
2. Main Function - longest_palindrome:
- The function initializes two variables: longest to keep track of the longest palindrome found and max_length to store its length.
- It iterates through each number in the provided list. If a number is confirmed to be a palindrome through the helper function, its length is compared to the current max_length.
- If a longer palindrome is found, it updates max_length and sets longest to the current number.
3. Example Usage:
- To showcase the function, a list of integers is defined and passed to the longest_palindrome function. The longest palindromic number is printed as output.
This function effectively identifies the longest palindromic integer in a list, providing a straightforward implementation that can be easily modified for additional features or performance enhancements. Each part of the code is structured to ensure clarity and easy understanding of the palindrome-checking process.