How can you update data in one table based on data in another table?
Posted by MaryJns
Last Updated: July 19, 2024
Updating data in one table based on data in another table is a common operation in SQL databases. This can be achieved using the UPDATE statement in conjunction with a JOIN or a subquery. Here are a couple of methods to perform this operation:
Method 1: Using JOIN
You can use an UPDATE statement with an inner join to update records in one table based on values from another table. Here’s the general syntax:
UPDATE target_table
SET target_column = source_table.source_column
FROM source_table
WHERE target_table.join_column = source_table.join_column;
Suppose you have two tables, employees and departments. You want to update the department_name in the employees table based on data from the departments table.
UPDATE employees
SET department_name = d.department_name
FROM departments d
WHERE employees.department_id =;
In this query, the employees table is updated with the corresponding department names from the departments table, where the department_id in the employees table matches the id in the departments table.
Method 2: Using Subquery
You can also use a subquery in the SET clause:
UPDATE target_table
SET target_column = (
    SELECT source_column
    FROM source_table
    WHERE source_table.join_column = target_table.join_column
    SELECT 1
    FROM source_table
    WHERE source_table.join_column = target_table.join_column
Using the same employees and departments tables:
UPDATE employees
SET department_name = (
    SELECT d.department_name
    FROM departments d
    WHERE = employees.department_id
    SELECT 1
    FROM departments d
    WHERE = employees.department_id
Important Considerations
1. Referential Integrity: Ensure that the changes do not violate any constraints, such as foreign keys. 2. Data Types: Ensure that the data types of the columns being updated are compatible. 3. Transaction Management: Depending on the database constraints, consider wrapping updates in a transaction if you are making multiple related updates. 4. Backup Data: Before performing bulk updates, it’s often a good practice to back up the data or utilize a transaction that can be rolled back on error. These methods allow for flexible and powerful data manipulation within SQL databases.