How do you update a submodule to the latest commit?
Posted by KarenKg
Last Updated: June 11, 2024
To update a Git submodule to the latest commit of its repository, you can follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the parent repository: Open your terminal and change to the directory of the main (parent) repository that contains the submodule.
cd path/to/your/parent/repo
2. Update the submodule: Use the following command to update the submodule to the latest commit from its remote repository.
git submodule update --remote --merge
Alternatively, you can use:
git submodule update --remote
The --merge option tries to merge the most recent changes into your current branch. 3. Commit changes if necessary: After updating the submodule, Git records the new commit used by the submodule in the parent repository. You'll need to stage and commit this change in the parent repository.
git add path/to/submodule
   git commit -m "Updated submodule to latest commit"
4. Push changes: Finally, push the changes in the parent repository to the remote repository, if you want to share the updated submodule reference.
git push origin your-branch-name
- Use git submodule update --remote to pull the latest changes from the submodule's remote repository. - Remember to commit the changes in the parent repository to record the new submodule commit.