How can you perform a recursive query using CTEs?
Posted by KarenKg
Last Updated: July 14, 2024
A Common Table Expression (CTE) allows you to create a temporary result set that you can reference within a SQL statement. Recursive CTEs are useful when you need to generate hierarchical or recursive data, such as finding all subordinates in an organizational chart or traversing a tree-like structure. Here’s how you can perform a recursive query using CTEs:
Syntax of a Recursive CTE
A recursive CTE consists of two parts: 1. Anchor Member: The initial query that provides the starting point for the recursion. 2. Recursive Member: The query that references the CTE itself to retrieve additional rows.
Basic Structure
Here's a generic structure of a recursive CTE:
    -- Anchor member: the base case
    SELECT column1, column2, ...
    FROM your_table
    WHERE some_condition -- This condition defines the base case
    -- Recursive member: references the CTE
    SELECT column1, column2, ...
    FROM your_table t
    INNER JOIN CTE_Name cte ON t.related_column = cte.column1 -- Define the recursive relationship
Example Use Case
Consider a simple example of an employee hierarchy stored in an employees table:
| employee_id | name         | manager_id |
| 1           | Alice        | NULL       |
| 2           | Bob          | 1          |
| 3           | Charlie      | 1          |
| 4           | David        | 2          |
| 5           | Eve          | 2          |
In this table, manager_id references the employee_id of the employee's manager. We can write a recursive CTE to find all subordinates of Alice.
Recursive CTE Example
WITH RECURSIVE EmployeeHierarchy AS (
    -- Anchor member: Select the employee whose subordinates we want to find
    SELECT employee_id, name, manager_id
    FROM employees
    WHERE name = 'Alice'
    -- Recursive member: Select employees who report to the employees in the previous result
    SELECT e.employee_id,, e.manager_id
    FROM employees e
    INNER JOIN EmployeeHierarchy eh ON e.manager_id = eh.employee_id
SELECT * FROM EmployeeHierarchy;
1. In the anchor member, we select Alice. 2. In the recursive member, we look for employees (e) whose manager_id matches the employee_id of the employees already retrieved in the previous iteration of the recursion (from EmployeeHierarchy). 3. The recursion continues until there are no more subordinates to retrieve. 4. Finally, a SELECT statement retrieves all the results from the recursive CTE.
Important Notes:
- Ensure that your recursive member will eventually reach a termination condition; otherwise, it may lead to infinite recursion. - Use the RECURSIVE keyword to specify that the CTE is recursive. Some databases do not require it, while others (like PostgreSQL) do. - The recursion depth may be limited by your database's configuration settings; be mindful of performance and memory use. This approach can easily be adapted to fit other hierarchical data structures as needed.