How do you perform a case-insensitive search in SQL?
Posted by MaryJns
Last Updated: July 08, 2024
Performing a case-insensitive search in SQL can depend on the SQL database management system you are using. Here are some common methods for different SQL databases:
1. Standard SQL (using LOWER or UPPER)
You can convert both the column and the search value to either lower case or upper case and perform a comparison. For example:
FROM your_table
WHERE LOWER(your_column) = LOWER('search_value');
FROM your_table
WHERE UPPER(your_column) = UPPER('search_value');
2. MySQL
In MySQL, string comparisons are case-insensitive by default for CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT types, depending on the collation. If you want to ensure case-insensitivity, you can specify a case-insensitive collation like this:
FROM your_table
WHERE your_column COLLATE utf8_general_ci = 'search_value';
3. PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL allows case-insensitive comparisons using the ILIKE operator:
FROM your_table
WHERE your_column ILIKE 'search_value';
Alternatively, you can also use LOWER:
FROM your_table
WHERE LOWER(your_column) = LOWER('search_value');
4. SQL Server
In SQL Server, you can achieve case-insensitivity by ensuring the column has a case-insensitive collation. You can also use LOWER or UPPER:
FROM your_table
WHERE your_column COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = 'search_value';
Or using LOWER:
FROM your_table
WHERE LOWER(your_column) = LOWER('search_value');
5. SQLite
SQLite is case-insensitive by default for text comparisons. However, if you want to ensure a case-insensitive comparison, you can utilize the UPPER or LOWER functions:
FROM your_table
WHERE LOWER(your_column) = LOWER('search_value');
- Use LOWER or UPPER functions for case normalization. - Use specific collations in databases that allow specifying collation (MySQL, SQL Server). - Use ILIKE in PostgreSQL for case-insensitive pattern matching. - Remember that some databases have setting defaults that might influence case sensitivity. Make sure to check your database documentation for any additional features or options related to string comparison and collations.