How do you write a query to find the average value of a numeric column?
Posted by JackBrn
Last Updated: June 20, 2024
To find the average value of a numeric column in a database, you typically use the SQL AVG() function. This function is used in a SELECT statement to calculate the average of the values in the specified column. Here is a basic example of how to write that query:
SELECT AVG(column_name) AS average_value
FROM table_name;
In this query: - Replace column_name with the name of the numeric column you want to average. - Replace table_name with the name of the table containing that column. - AS average_value is optional and provides an alias for the resulting column in the output.
Suppose you have a table named sales with a numeric column called amount. To find the average sales amount, you would write:
SELECT AVG(amount) AS average_sales
FROM sales;
This query will return a single value representing the average of all values in the amount column from the sales table.
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