How do you use the ROUND function to round numeric values to a specified precision?
Posted by HenryPk
Last Updated: June 28, 2024
The ROUND function is used in many programming languages and databases to round numeric values to a specified precision. The syntax may differ slightly depending on the context (e.g., SQL, Excel, Python). Below are examples of how to use the ROUND function in various environments:
1. SQL
In SQL, the ROUND function typically has the following syntax:
ROUND(numeric_expression, length)
- numeric_expression: The number you want to round. - length: The number of decimal places to which you want to round the number. If this value is positive, it rounds to the number of decimal places specified. If it is negative, it rounds to the left of the decimal point. Example:
SELECT ROUND(123.4567, 2) AS RoundedValue;  -- Result: 123.46
SELECT ROUND(123.4567, 0) AS RoundedValue;  -- Result: 123
SELECT ROUND(123.4567, -1) AS RoundedValue; -- Result: 120
2. Excel
In Excel, the syntax for the ROUND function is slightly different:
=ROUND(number, num_digits)
- number: The number you want to round. - num_digits: The number of digits to which you want to round the number. Positive values round to decimal places, zero rounds to the nearest integer, and negative values round to the left of the decimal point. Example:
=ROUND(123.4567, 2)  // Result: 123.46
=ROUND(123.4567, 0)  // Result: 123
=ROUND(123.4567, -1) // Result: 120
3. Python
In Python, the round() function is used similarly:
round(number, ndigits)
- number: The number you want to round. - ndigits: The number of decimal places to round to. If omitted, it rounds to the nearest integer. Example:
round(123.4567, 2)  # Result: 123.46
round(123.4567, 0)  # Result: 123
round(123.4567, -1) # Result: 120
- Use the ROUND function to round numbers to specified decimal places in SQL, Excel, and Python. - The function generally takes two arguments: the number to round and the precision (number of decimal places). Make sure to check the documentation for your specific language or context for any nuances in behavior!