How do you create a filtered index to improve query performance?
Posted by JackBrn
Last Updated: July 21, 2024
Creating a filtered index can significantly improve query performance in SQL databases by allowing the database engine to use a narrower index tailored to specific queries, which can speed up data retrieval and reduce the amount of unnecessary data scanned. Here’s how you can create a filtered index step by step:
Step 1: Identify the Queries
First, analyze your queries to determine the predicates and conditions that are most commonly used. Look for patterns where certain subsets of data are queried frequently. For example, if you often query a table for active records, that can help guide how to create your filtered index.
Step 2: Choose the Filter Condition
Decide on the conditions (filter) you want to apply to the index. This condition should match the common query patterns identified in the previous step. It should focus on a subset of rows that are frequently accessed. For example, if you only need to query active users from a Users table, you might filter based on an IsActive column being true.
Step 3: Create the Filtered Index
Use the SQL CREATE INDEX statement to create the filtered index. The syntax varies slightly between different SQL Database Management Systems (DBMS) like SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or Oracle, but generally looks similar.
Example in SQL Server
ON Users (LastName, FirstName)
WHERE IsActive = 1;
In this example: - IX_ActiveUsers is the name of the index. - The index is created on the LastName and FirstName columns. - The index only includes rows where IsActive is true (1).
Example in PostgreSQL
In PostgreSQL, you can create a partial index, which works similarly to a filtered index:
CREATE INDEX idx_active_users
ON Users (LastName, FirstName)
WHERE IsActive = true;
Step 4: Test the Performance
After creating the filtered index, test the performance of your queries before and after adding the index. Look for improvements in execution time and reduced resource usage:

-- Query that uses the filtered index
SELECT LastName, FirstName
FROM Users
WHERE IsActive = 1
ORDER BY LastName;
Step 5: Monitor and Maintain the Index
Monitor the effectiveness of your filtered index over time. Check if the query plan uses the index as expected. If the queries change or if the data distribution changes, you might need to adjust the filter condition or even drop the index if it's no longer beneficial.
Filtered indexes can greatly improve performance by reducing the amount of data processed for specific queries. By carefully analyzing your queries and applying the appropriate filter, you can create indexes that suit your specific needs and enhance overall database performance. Remember to always monitor the performance and adjust your strategy as necessary.
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