How do you create and use indexed views to improve query performance?
Posted by AliceWk
Last Updated: June 16, 2024
Indexed views can greatly enhance query performance in SQL Server and some other database systems by allowing you to precompute and store the results of a view in an index. This eliminates the need to compute the results on-the-fly every time the view is queried. Here’s how to create and use indexed views effectively:
Steps to Create an Indexed View
1. Create a View: The first step is to create a standard view with the desired SELECT statement. This view should be constructed based on the tables that you want to aggregate or join. 2. Define the Indexed View: When creating the indexed view, you must include specific options to ensure it can be indexed. The view must be created with the WITH SCHEMABINDING option. This prevents changes to the underlying table structures that could invalidate the view. 3. Create a Unique Clustered Index: After defining the indexed view, you must create a unique clustered index on the view. This is necessary to materialize the view and enable indexing.
Example SQL to Create an Indexed View
Here’s an example to illustrate the process:
-- Step 1: Create a base table
    CustomerID INT,
    OrderDate DATETIME,
    Amount DECIMAL(10, 2)

-- Step 2: Create an indexed view
CREATE VIEW v_SalesSummary
    COUNT(*) AS OrderCount,
    SUM(Amount) AS TotalAmount
FROM dbo.SalesOrder
GROUP BY CustomerID;

-- Step 3: Create a unique clustered index on the view
ON v_SalesSummary (CustomerID);
1. Limitations: There are specific limitations when creating indexed views, such as: - You cannot use non-deterministic functions (e.g., GETDATE()). - The view must reference only base tables from the same database. - You can't include outer joins, subqueries, or certain aggregate functions without grouping. 2. Storage and Maintenance Overhead: Indexed views consume additional disk space because they store a physical copy of the data. Additionally, they require maintenance as the underlying data changes (e.g., during INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs). 3. Advantages in Query Performance: - Queries that access the indexed view directly will see performance improvements, particularly for aggregate queries or queries that involve joins. - It replaces the need to compute aggregates on-the-fly. 4. Using the Indexed View in Queries: Simply reference the indexed view in your queries like a regular table:
SELECT CustomerID, OrderCount, TotalAmount
FROM v_SalesSummary
WHERE TotalAmount > 1000;
Query Optimization
- Ensure that the indexed view is used in your queries by avoiding any unnecessary transformations that would lead the query optimizer to ignore the indexed view. - Be mindful of your database's workload. The benefits of indexed views become more pronounced for read-heavy workloads. By thoughtfully creating and using indexed views, you can optimize specific query patterns, enhance performance, and reduce the load on your database server.
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