How do you use the CASE statement to create conditional logic in a SELECT query?
Posted by DavidLee
Last Updated: July 09, 2024
The CASE statement is a powerful SQL feature that allows you to implement conditional logic directly within your SQL queries. It can be used in SELECT, UPDATE, and other SQL statements. The CASE statement evaluates a list of conditions and returns a value when the first condition is met. Here's a basic syntax of a CASE statement in a SELECT query:
        WHEN condition1 THEN result1
        WHEN condition2 THEN result2
        ELSE default_result
    END AS alias_name
FROM table_name;
Assume you have a table named Employees with the following columns: EmployeeID, Name, and Salary. You want to categorize employees based on their salary: "Low", "Medium", and "High".
        WHEN Salary < 30000 THEN 'Low'
        WHEN Salary BETWEEN 30000 AND 70000 THEN 'Medium'
        WHEN Salary > 70000 THEN 'High'
        ELSE 'Not Specified'
    END AS SalaryCategory
FROM Employees;
Explanation of the Example
- The SELECT statement fetches EmployeeID, Name, and Salary from the Employees table. - The CASE statement checks the Salary for each employee: - If the Salary is less than 30,000, it returns 'Low'. - If the Salary is between 30,000 and 70,000 (inclusive), it returns 'Medium'. - If the Salary is greater than 70,000, it returns 'High'. - If none of the conditions are met (which should not happen given the data), it returns 'Not Specified'. - AS SalaryCategory specifies an alias for the computed column in the output. This logic allows you to create more informative result sets based on the values contained in your database.