Car Loan Calculator
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class CarLoan extends Applet implements ActionListener
// Gui widgets
TextField cashText, costText, lengthText, yRateText, taxText;
Button goButton;
TextArea outText;
// program variables
float cost, cash, yRate, taxRate;
int term;
float tax, amount, downPayment, M, monthlyPayment, totalCost;
public void init() {
} // init
private void compute() {
// compute sales tax (set salesString+tax)
tax = cost * taxRate/100;
// compute downpayment (downString)
downPayment = cash - tax;
// compute amount financed (amountString)
amount = cost - downPayment;
// compute monthly interest rate
M = yRate/12/100;
// compute monthly payment (monthlyString)
monthlyPayment = (float) ((amount * M)/(1 - Math.exp(-term*Math.log(1+M))));
// compute total cost (totalString)
totalCost = tax + downPayment + term * monthlyPayment;
} // compute
public void paint( Graphics g ) {
outText.appendText("Cost = $" + cost + "\n");
outText.appendText("Cash = $" + cash + "\n");
outText.appendText("Loan term (months)" + term + "\n");
outText.appendText("Yearly rate (%) " + yRate + "\n");
outText.appendText("Sales Tax (%) " + taxRate + "\n");
// Output results
outText.appendText("Sales Tax = $" + tax + "\n");
outText.appendText("Down Payment = $" + downPayment + "\n");
outText.appendText("Amount Financed = $" + amount + "\n");
outText.appendText("Monthly Payment = $" + monthlyPayment + "\n");
outText.appendText("Total Cost of car = $" + totalCost + "\n\n\n\n");
} // paint
private float readValue(TextField t) {
String s;
Float f;
// get string from text field
s = t.getText();
// convert it to Float object
f = new Float(s);
// convert it to float value
return f.floatValue();
} // readValue
private void processInput() { // reads float values from text fields
cost = readValue(costText);
cash = readValue(cashText);
term = (int) readValue(lengthText);
yRate = readValue(yRateText);
taxRate = readValue(taxText);
} // processInput
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == goButton) {
} // actionPerformed
private void makeGui() {
Panel allPanel;
// applet layout
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// panel to hold all input elements
allPanel = new Panel();
allPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1));
// cost
costText = new TextField(10);
makeWidget("Cost of car", costText, allPanel);
// cash
cashText = new TextField(10);
makeWidget("Cash in hand", cashText, allPanel);
// length
lengthText = new TextField(10);
makeWidget("Length of loan (months)", lengthText, allPanel);
// yearly rate
yRateText = new TextField(10);
makeWidget("Yearly Interest Rate (%)", yRateText, allPanel);
// sales tax
taxText = new TextField(10);
makeWidget("Sales Tax Rate (%)", taxText, allPanel);
// go button
goButton = new Button("Calculate");
Panel bP = new Panel();
// add all panel to applet
add("West", allPanel);
// Output area
outText = new TextArea("Output\n\n", 20, 40, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH);
outText.setBackground(new Color(255, 153, 0));
add("Center", outText);
} // makeGui
private void makeWidget(String lstring, TextField text, Panel all) {
Label l;
Panel p = new Panel();
l = new Label(lstring);
//text = new TextField(10);
p.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
} // makeWigdet
} // carloan