Key points to being a good programmer
Posted by acstopstar
Last Updated: February 28, 2012

1.    Know yourself and be yourself.

2.    Have the desire to learn and to explore. Conquest is what you desire.

3.    Never limit yourself. Be and do all that you can.

4.    Never settle for what you feel is enough. Work and continue working and never stop working.

5.    Do not let a goal be the only level you reach. Once you reach that goal. Pass it and conquer all that is in front of you.

6.    Motivate yourself to a level that will keep you going. Don’t stop for anything. It will all be worth it in the end.

7.    Do not over estimate yourself. Know your boundaries. Do not sell yourself short either. You never know what you’re capable of until you try.

8.    See yourself as what you can be and not what you are. Work and lift yourself to new heights.

9.    Failure doesn’t mean that you can’t do it, it only means that you should change your approach and it makes you learn from your mistakes as well as make you become more self-aware.

10.   Overcome the obstacles that stand before you by analyzing the problem and view the problem from different angles and deduce solutions that can solve the problem. Think like a programmer in all you do. It’s not only used in computing but also in real life situations as well. Problem solving is the key to being a good programmer.

11. Keep an open mind. Being able to adapt to what’s going on around you is a major part of programming. Don’t be one tracked. Accept change and use it to your advantage.

12. What you think of yourself is what counts. Don’t let others determine who you are and what you can do.

13. You should never stop learning. Knowledge can never be too much. Find new things to learn about and test your skills to know abilities and where you stand as a programmer. No one knows it all.

14. Find your skills and your weaknesses and work on them to better your advantages.

15. Share what you know and learn from others. We are all here for each other. Build and up life each.

16. Try to be original. Invention gives rise to new innovators. Take the lead and try to hold it with new ideas.

17. Even in your worst, try to be your best.

18. Have the desire to create. Show the world what you are capable of doing. Let all that you have worked so hard to accomplish be acknowledged and recognized by the world.

19.  Compete with other programmers. Experienceis key.



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