Create and select the Transaction System database for operation, with the CREATE DATABASE and the USE statement.
Create Database Transaction_System;
Use Transaction_System;
Create Salesperson Table and insert record into the table.
CREATE TABLE Salesperson(ID INT primary key NOT NULL,
s_Name varchar(50),
Age INT,
Salary float);
INSERT INTO Salesperson(ID,s_Name,Age,Salary)VALUES(1,'Abe',61,140000);
INSERT INTO Salesperson(ID,s_Name,Age,Salary)VALUES(2,'Bob',34,44000);
INSERT INTO Salesperson(ID,s_Name,Age,Salary)VALUES(5,'Chris',34,40000);
INSERT INTO Salesperson(ID,s_Name,Age,Salary)VALUES(7,'Dan',41,55000);
INSERT INTO Salesperson(ID,s_Name,Age,Salary)VALUES(8,'Ken',57,115000);
INSERT INTO Salesperson(ID,s_Name,Age,Salary)VALUES(11,'Joe',38,38000);
Create Customer Table and insert record into the table.
CREATE TABLE Customer(ID INT primary key NOT NULL,
c_Name varchar(50),
City varchar(50),
Industry_Type char);
INSERT INTO Customer(ID,c_Name,City,Industry_Type)VALUES(4,'Samsonic','pleasant','J');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID,c_Name,City,Industry_Type)VALUES(6,'Panasung','oaktown','J');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID,c_Name,City,Industry_Type)VALUES(7,'Samony','jackson','B');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID,c_Name,City,Industry_Type)VALUES(9,'Orange','jackson','B');
Create Orders Table and insert record into the table.
CREATE TABLE Orders(O_Number INT primary key NOT NULL,
order_date date,
cust_id INT ,
salesperson_id INT,
Amount INT,
foreign key(salesperson_id) REFERENCES Salesperson(ID),
foreign key(cust_id) REFERENCES Customer(ID));
INSERT INTO Orders(O_Number,order_date,cust_id ,salesperson_id,Amount)VALUES(10,'8/2/6',4,2,540);
INSERT INTO Orders(O_Number,order_date,cust_id ,salesperson_id,Amount)VALUES(20,'1/5/9',4,8,1800);
INSERT INTO Orders(O_Number,order_date,cust_id ,salesperson_id,Amount)VALUES(30,'7/7/5',9,1,460);
INSERT INTO Orders(O_Number,order_date,cust_id ,salesperson_id,Amount)VALUES(40,'1/9/8',7,2,2400);
INSERT INTO Orders(O_Number,order_date,cust_id ,salesperson_id,Amount)VALUES(50,'2/3/8',6,7,600);
INSERT INTO Orders(O_Number,order_date,cust_id ,salesperson_id,Amount)VALUES(60,'3/2/8',6,7,720);
INSERT INTO Orders(O_Number,order_date,cust_id ,salesperson_id,Amount)VALUES(70,'5/6/8',9,7,150);
The names of all salespeople that have an order with Samsonic.
SElECT Salesperson.s_Name FROM Salesperson, Orders WHERE
Salesperson.ID = Orders.salesperson_id AND cust_id = '4';
The names of all salespeople that do not have any order with Samsonic.
SELECT Salesperson.s_Name FROM Salesperson
WHERE Salesperson.ID NOT IN(
SELECT Orders.salesperson_id FROM Orders, Customer
WHERE Orders.cust_id = Customer.ID
AND Customer.c_Name = 'Samsonic');
The names of salespeople that have 2 or more orders.
FROM Orders, Salesperson
WHERE Orders.salesperson_id =
GROUP BY s_Name, salesperson_id
HAVING COUNT( salesperson_id ) >1;
Write a SQL statement to insert rows into a table called highAchiever(Name, Age), where a salesperson must have a salary of 100,000 or greater to be included in the table.
CREATE TABLE highAchiever(ID INT primary key NOT NULL auto_increment,
H_name varchar(50),
Age INT);
insert into highAchiever (H_name, age)
(select s_Name, age from salesperson where salary >= 100000);