How to create a linked list using C++
Posted by Samath
Last Updated: January 04, 2017

In this sample code I am Creating a linked lists using C++, this Includes definitions of the list node class and linked list class, and how to create a blank linked list and a one-node linked list.  A linked list is a list constructed using pointers. It is not fixed in size and could grow and shrink while the program is running. A typical defination of list nodes contains at least two parts, both the content or date of each element and the pointer to the next element, which is shown in the figure below.
 |  Data   | -----> holds the data of this element in the list.
 | pointer | -----> is a pointer to the next element in the list.


/* definition of the list node class */
class Node
    friend class LinkedList;
    int _value; /* data, can be any data type, but use integer for easiness */
    Node *_pNext; /* pointer to the next node */
    /* Constructors with No Arguments */
    : _pNext(NULL)
    { }
    /* Constructors with a given value */
    Node(int val)
    : _value(val), _pNext(NULL)
    { }
    /* Constructors with a given value and a link of the next node */
    Node(int val, Node* next)
    : _value(val), _pNext(next)
    /* Getters */
    int getValue(void)
    { return _value; }
    Node* getNext(void)
    { return _pNext; }

/* definition of the linked list class */
class LinkedList
    /* pointer of head node */
    Node *_pHead;
    /* pointer of tail node */
    Node *_pTail;
    /* Constructors with No Arguments */
    /* Constructors with a given value of a list node */
    LinkedList(int val);
    /* Destructor */
    /* Traversing the list and printing the value of each node */
    void traverse_and_print();

    /* Initialize the head and tail node */
    _pHead = _pTail = NULL;

LinkedList::LinkedList(int val)
    /* Create a new node, acting as both the head and tail node */
    _pHead = new Node(val);
    _pTail = _pHead;

     * Leave it empty temporarily.
     * It will be described in detail in the example "How to delete a linkedlist".

void LinkedList::traverse_and_print()
    Node *p = _pHead;
    /* The list is empty? */
    if (_pHead == NULL) {
        cout << "The list is empty" << endl;
    cout << "LinkedList: ";
    /* A basic way of traversing a linked list */
    while (p != NULL) { /* while there are some more nodes left */
        /* output the value */
        cout << p->_value;
        /* The pointer moves along to the next one */
        p = p->_pNext;
    cout << endl;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    /* Create an empty list */
    LinkedList list1;
    cout << "Created an empty list named list1." << endl;
    /* output the result */
    cout << "list1:" << endl;
    /* Create a list with only one node */
    LinkedList list2(10);
    cout << "Created a list named list2 with only one node." << endl;
    /* output the result */
    cout << "list2:" << endl;
    return 0;