Write a C program to print the Electricity bill of a given customer.The program should read customer ID number, name and unit consumed by the customer and print the total amount to pay. The charge are as follow:
if unit < 200 then charge are $1.20 per unit
if unit >= 200 but < 400 then charge are $1.60 per unit
if unit >= 400 but < 600 then charge are $2.00 per unit
if unit >= 600 then charge are $2.50 per unit
If bill exceed $ 300 then a surcharge of 15% will be charged and minimum bill should be of $25.
int main()
int customer_number, unit_con;
float charge,surcharge=0, amt,total_amt;
char name[25];
printf("Enter the customer ID Number: ");
printf("\nEnter the customer Name: ");
printf("\nEnter the unit consumed by customer :\t");
if (unit_con <200 )
charge = 1.20;
else if (unit_con>=200 && unit_con<400)
charge = 1.60;
else if (unit_con>=400 && unit_con<600)
charge = 2.00;
charge = 2.50;
amt = unit_con*charge;
if (amt>300)
surcharge = amt*15/100.0;
total_amt = amt+surcharge;
if (total_amt < 25)
total_amt =25;
printf("\n\t\t\tElectricity Bill\n\n");
printf("Customer ID Number :\t%5d",customer_number);
printf("\nCustomer Name :\t%s",name);
printf("\nunit Consumed :\t%5d",unit_con);
printf("\nAmount Charges $ %4.2f per unit :\t%8.2f",charge,amt);
printf("\nSurchage Amount :\t%8.2f",surcharge);
printf("\nNet Amount Paid By the Customer :\t%8.2f",total_amt);
return 0;