What is the command to apply changes introduced by a commit as a stash without popping it from the stack?
Posted by QuinnLw
Last Updated: June 12, 2024
To apply changes introduced by a specific commit as a stash without popping it from the stack, you can use the following command:
git stash push -m "Your stash message" $(git diff <commit_hash>^ <commit_hash> --name-status)
Here’s a breakdown of the command: 1. git diff <commit_hash>^ <commit_hash> --name-status will show the changes made in that specific commit. Replace <commit_hash> with the actual hash of the commit you want to stash. 2. git stash push -m "Your stash message" is used to create a stash with a specific message. However, this command by itself won't work directly with just the commit hash, and might need some adjustments depending on your case. Alternatively, to achieve this in a straightforward manner (assuming you don't want to stage the changes manually), you could do:
git checkout <commit_hash> -- .
git stash push -m "Stashing changes from commit <commit_hash>"
Important Note:
This temporarily checks out the specified commit's changes into your working directory and then stashes those changes. Please make sure nothing important will be lost in your working directory before executing these commands, as this approach will replace your current work directory's changes.