How do you use the PIVOT operator to transform rows into columns dynamically?
Posted by PaulAnd
Last Updated: June 14, 2024
Using the PIVOT operator in SQL to transform rows into columns dynamically can be quite complex, as standard SQL doesn't directly support dynamic pivoting. However, you can achieve dynamic pivoting by constructing a dynamic SQL statement. Here's how to do it step by step:
1. Understand the Data
Assume that you have a sample table named Sales with the following columns: - Product - Year - SalesAmount Your data might look like this:
| Product | Year | SalesAmount |
| A       | 2021 | 100         |
| A       | 2022 | 150         |
| B       | 2021 | 200         |
| B       | 2022 | 250         |
2. Define the Dynamic SQL Structure
You would first need to construct a SQL query that determines the distinct values in the column you want to pivot (e.g., the Year column) and then use those values to build the pivot query.
3. Dynamic SQL for PIVOT
You can use the following approach in SQL Server:

-- Get distinct years for the columns of the pivot
SELECT @columns = STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(Year), ', ')

-- Construct the dynamic SQL for the pivot operation
SET @sql = '
SELECT Product, ' + @columns + '
    SELECT Product, Year, SalesAmount
    FROM Sales
) AS SourceTable
    FOR Year IN (' + @columns + ')
) AS PivotTable;';

-- Execute the dynamic SQL
EXEC sp_executesql @sql;
Explanation of the Code:
1. Capture the Columns: The first part captures distinct Year values and aggregates them into a comma-separated list suitable for the IN clause of the PIVOT statement. 2. Construct the Dynamic SQL: The second part forms the dynamic SQL string, substituting in the @columns variable to create the PIVOT structure. 3. Execute the SQL: Finally, you run the dynamic SQL using sp_executesql.
Important Notes:
- Make sure your SQL Server instance has the STRING_AGG function available (it was introduced in SQL Server 2017); if you are using an earlier version, you might need to use FOR XML PATH or another method to aggregate your column names. - Handle SQL Injection if user input is involved. Dynamic SQL can be vulnerable if not handled properly. This method enables you to pivot your data dynamically based on the distinct values found in the pivot column.