How do you convert a string to lowercase without using built-in functions in Python?
Posted by OliviaWm
Last Updated: August 18, 2024
Converting a string to lowercase in Python without using built-in functions can be accomplished through manual iteration and character manipulation. This approach typically involves checking each character of the string and adjusting its ASCII value accordingly.
Understanding ASCII Values
In Python, characters are represented by ASCII values. For instance: - The ASCII value of uppercase letters (A-Z) ranges from 65 to 90. - The ASCII value of lowercase letters (a-z) ranges from 97 to 122. To convert an uppercase letter to its corresponding lowercase letter, you can add 32 to its ASCII value. Characters that are not uppercase letters can be left unchanged.
Custom Function Implementation
Here’s how you can implement a function that converts a string to lowercase:
def to_lowercase(input_string):
    result = ''
    for char in input_string:
        # Check if the character is an uppercase letter (A-Z)
        if 'A' <= char <= 'Z':
            # Convert to lowercase by adding 32 to ASCII value
            new_char = chr(ord(char) + 32)
            result += new_char
            # Non-uppercase letters remain unchanged
            result += char
    return result

# Example usage
input_str = "Hello, World!"
lowercase_str = to_lowercase(input_str)
print(lowercase_str)  # Output: hello, world!
Explanation of the Code
1. Function Definition: The function to_lowercase takes a string input_string as its parameter. 2. Result Initialization: An empty string result is initialized to accumulate the lowercase characters. 3. Character Iteration: The for loop iterates over each character in the input string. 4. Upper Case Check: The conditional checks if a character falls within the range of uppercase letters ('A' to 'Z'). 5. Conversion Logic: If the character is uppercase, ord(char) retrieves its ASCII value, and 32 is added to convert it to lowercase. The chr() function is then used to get the new lowercase character. 6. Result Build-Up: Each processed character (whether converted or unchanged) is appended to the result. 7. Return Statement: Finally, the function returns the fully converted lowercase string.
- The function only converts uppercase alphabetic characters to lowercase and leaves other characters intact. - This implementation focuses on basic English alphabetic characters. If the input string includes characters from other languages or scripts, additional handling may be necessary. This straightforward method demonstrates how to manually achieve string manipulation in Python without relying on built-in functions.