How do you use the QUOTENAME function to safely quote identifiers in dynamic SQL?
Posted by NickCrt
Last Updated: June 16, 2024
The QUOTENAME function in SQL Server is designed to safely quote identifiers (such as table names, column names, etc.) to prevent issues with special characters, reserved keywords, and to avoid SQL injection attacks in dynamic SQL executions. The QUOTENAME function takes two parameters: 1. Input String: The identifier you wish to safely quote. 2. Quote Character: An optional parameter that specifies the character used for quoting; the default is square brackets []. Here is how you can use the QUOTENAME function to safely quote identifiers in dynamic SQL:
Example Usage:
1. Basic Usage:
DECLARE @TableName NVARCHAR(128) = 'MyTable'


EXEC sp_executesql @SQL
In this example, QUOTENAME(@TableName) safely quotes the @TableName variable, ensuring that if @TableName contains special characters or spaces, it won't cause any errors. 2. Using a Different Quote Character: You can specify a different character for quoting if needed. For example, if you want to use double quotes:
DECLARE @ColumnName NVARCHAR(128) = 'MyColumn'

SET @SQL = 'SELECT ' + QUOTENAME(@ColumnName, '"') + ' FROM MyTable'

EXEC sp_executesql @SQL
Important Considerations:
- Limitations: The maximum length of identifiers in SQL Server is 128 characters. If you exceed this, QUOTENAME will be truncated. - Injection Protection: Using QUOTENAME helps prevent SQL injection attacks when concatenating user-defined inputs into SQL statements. - Special Characters: By quoting identifiers, you can include characters such as spaces, punctuation, and reserved keywords without causing syntax errors.
Common Scenarios:
- Dynamic Table/Column Names: When building dynamic SQL that requires variable table or column names, always use QUOTENAME to protect against invalid identifiers. - Programmatically Generated SQL: When creating SQL statements dynamically in stored procedures or applications, ensure all identifiers are quoted with QUOTENAME. By properly utilizing QUOTENAME, you can ensure that your dynamic SQL is more secure and resilient against common issues associated with dynamic SQL execution.