How do you use the CREATE SEQUENCE statement to create a new sequence object for generating unique numbers?
Posted by NickCrt
Last Updated: August 06, 2024
The CREATE SEQUENCE statement is used in SQL to create a new sequence object that can generate unique numbers. A sequence is often used when you need a unique identifier for rows in a table. Here's the general syntax for creating a sequence:
CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_name
    [INCREMENT BY increment_value]
    [START WITH start_value]
    [MINVALUE min_value]
    [MAXVALUE max_value]
    [CACHE cache_size | NOCACHE];
- sequence_name: The name of the sequence you want to create. - INCREMENT BY increment_value: The value that will be added to the current sequence value each time a new value is generated. The default is 1. - START WITH start_value: The value from which the sequence will start. The default is 1. - MINVALUE min_value: The minimum value that the sequence can generate. The default is the same as the START WITH value. - MAXVALUE max_value: The maximum value that the sequence can generate. The default is 2,147,483,647 for a standard integer sequence. - CYCLE: Indicates that the sequence should restart at the MINVALUE after reaching the MAXVALUE. NO CYCLE (the default) means that the sequence will stop generating values once the MAXVALUE is reached. - CACHE cache_size: Defines how many sequence numbers are preallocated and stored in memory for faster access. The default is 20. - NOCACHE: Specifies that no sequence numbers should be preallocated.
Here is an example of how to create a sequence named order_sequence that starts at 1000, increments by 5, has a maximum value of 10000, and cycles when it reaches the maximum:
CREATE SEQUENCE order_sequence
    START WITH 1000
    MINVALUE 1000
    MAXVALUE 10000
    CACHE 10;
Using the Sequence:
Once the sequence is created, you can use it to generate unique numbers. Here's how to obtain the next value from the sequence:
SELECT NEXTVAL('order_sequence');
You can also use CURRVAL to get the current value of the sequence without advancing it:
SELECT CURRVAL('order_sequence');
Remember that sequences are commonly used for unique identifiers or primary keys in database tables but can be applied in various situations where unique values are necessary.